
Step-by-step plan for exporting a car when moving outside the Netherlands

If you want to register your Dutch-registered car abroad, you must first de-register it from the Netherlands’ vehicle registration database. This is known as exporting your car. You can arrange the export yourself or have a specialised company (exporter) do it for you.

Attention: If your car is abroad already, it may be possible to de-register it online. Find out how to de-register a car that is already outside the Netherlands.

Do it yourself or hire an exporter

Exporting a car requires time and effort. You can choose to hire a specialised company (exporter) to arrange the export for you. That will cost more money but will save you time. If you choose to arrange the export yourself, follow the steps below. 

If you wish to export a camper van, caravan, motorcycle or any vehicle other than a car, there are a few differences. But the process is more or less the same.

Step 1: Register your car for export

Register your car for export at an RDW inspection facility or a recognised exporter (information in Dutch). This is not free of charge. You will need to pay a fee when you arrive. You do not need to make an appointment. 

Bring the following documents with you: 

  • a valid passport, ID card or driving licence
  • registration card and the registration code, or your paper registration certificate and transfer certificate
  • registration plates (if you have them).

If you have lost your car's registration card or registration code, find out how to apply for a new registration card or a new registration code.

After you have paid, the RDW of exporter will immediately remove your car from the Netherlands’ vehicle registration database. You will receive the following documents: 

  • certificate of release of liability (proof that the car has been de-registered)
  • the registration card (returned to you with the corner cut off) or the registration certificate (part 1B)
  • the paper registration certificate (part II for export) (proof of export). You will need this and your registration certificate in order to register the car abroad.

Step 2: Cancel your insurance policy 

As soon as your car has been de-registered, your insurance is no longer valid. You should therefore cancel your policy.

Remember, however, that you must take out temporary insurance if you intend to drive your car to your new country of residence (see step 3). 

Step 3: Prepare your car for the journey 

You still need to arrange a few more things before you can take your car abroad.

After your car has been registered for export,  you can still drive it in the Netherlands for 14 days. But only if the car's APK inspection certificate is still valid. Part II of the paper registration certificate gives the date until which you can drive the car on Dutch roads. However, your car must have export registration plates. These plates are white with black lettering. You can make the plates yourself, as long as they can be read in bad weather. Or you can have them made by a registration plate manufacturer (information in Dutch). Be sure to provide the manufacturer with your registration card or paper registration certificate.

As soon as your car is de-registered from the Netherlands’ vehicle registration database, your insurance is no longer valid. You must have insurance to drive a car on Dutch roads. You should therefore take out a temporary policy to cover the period until your car is registered in your new country of residence. Contact your insurer to arrange this.

You can drive a car with export registration plates for 14 days in the Netherlands. But this is not the case in all countries. Ask the local authorities if you can drive on export registration plates.

If you are moving to a country outside the European Union, you must declare your car as an export good to Customs. 

Find out more about declaring your vehicle as an export good (Customs)

Step 4: Register your car in your new country of residence

You must register your car in your new country of residence once you arrive. How you do this, varies by country.

Register with your German municipality

Register with your German municipality. You will receive proof of registration: a Meldebestätigung or Meldebescheinigung. You will need this document to register your vehicle in Germany. 

Have your car inspected by the TÜV

Take your car to the TÜV for a ‘Vollgutachten (complete inspection). If your car passes, you will receive a document called a deutsches Datenblatt. Take this document to the Zulassungsstelle in your municipality or region. You can register your car there. You’ll receive the following documents: a Fahrzeugbrief, a Fahrzeugschein and German registration plates. The procedure for paying German road tax (Kraftfahrzeugsteuer) will be launched automatically.

Ask the authorities in your new country of residence how to register your car. Be aware that you will also need to pay taxes relating to the car and insure it. 

If you are moving to an EU country, find out more about registering your car in an EU country ( 

Step 5: Find out if you can get a partial BPM refund

If you paid car and motorcycle tax (BPM) when you bought your car or imported it into the Netherlands, you might be able to get a partial BPM refund. But only if you are moving to another EU country.

Check the conditions for getting a BPM refund (Tax Administration)

What you also need to arrange if you’re going to move abroad

Check what else you need to arrange if you are going to move abroad


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.