
Short-stay Caribbean visa (90 days or less)

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If you want to stay in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom for 90 days or less, you may need a short-stay visa. This depends on your nationality. You may also need a short-stay visa if you are transiting through the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom.

What is a short-stay Caribbean visa?

  • A short-stay Caribbean visa lets you travel to and between the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St Eustatius and St Maarten).
  • A short-stay visa lets you visit the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. 
  • A short-stay Caribbean visa does not permit you to do paid work. If you want to work, you must have a work permit. For more information, contact the local authorities.
  • A short-stay Caribbean visa is not valid for travel to the European part of the Netherlands or to any other Schengen area country.

How often can I travel to the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom?

How often you can travel to the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom depends on the type of visa you have:

  • A single-entry Caribbean visa allows you to enter the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom once.
  • A multiple-entry Caribbean visa allows you to enter multiple times.

Do I need a visa?

You do not need a visa if you are a citizen of one of the countries whose nationals are exempted from the visa requirement. This includes visitors from the United States or European Union countries. In most cases, you will not need a Caribbean visa if you are transiting or if you are a passenger on a cruise ship.

Check if you need a visa

Applying for a short-stay Caribbean visa

If you want to apply for a visa, how and where you do so depends on the country you are in.

Information: Will you be travelling to Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, St Eustatius or St Maarten more than once in the next 4 years? Check whether you meet the conditions for the Caribbean Carpet Programme. If so, you can apply for a Caribbean visa more easily. Find out if you can register for the Caribbean Carpet Programme.

What is the maximum amount of time I can stay on any one island?

The amount of time you are permitted to stay on any one island varies.

Your visa states how long you can stay in Aruba. The maximum is 180 consecutive days within a 365-day period. But it may be shorter for you.

You can stay in Curaçao for a maximum of 30 consecutive days. If you want to stay for more than 30 days but fewer than 90 days, see the information on the website of the admission authority (Toelatingsorganisatie) for Curaçao about extending your visa after your arrival (information in Dutch).

You can stay in Bonaire, Saba, St Eustatius and St Maarten for a maximum of 90 consecutive days in a 180-day period.

Staying more than 90 days

If you want to stay in the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom for more than 90 days you must apply for a residence permit.