
Consulate-general of the Netherlands in São Paulo, Brazil


Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima
1779 - 3rd floor
Jardim Paulistano
01452-001 São Paulo

Front desk

Making an appointment

If you are in Brazil and need a product or service from the Dutch government, find out how to make an appointment.

Opening hours

By appointment only.

Closing days

The consulate-general in São Paulo will be closed on the following days:


1 January - New Year's Day
25 January - Birthday of the city São Paulo
3 and 4 March - Carnival
5 March (open from 12:00) - Carnival
18 April - Good Friday
20 and 21 April - Easter
27 April - King's Day
1 May - Labour Day
5 May - Liberation Day (NL)
29 May - Ascension Day
8 and 9 June - Pentecost
19 June - Corpus Christi
9 July - Constitutionalist Revolution São Paolo
7 September - Independence Day
12 October - Nossa Senhora Aparecida
2 November - Day of the Dead
15 November - Proclamation of the Republic
20 November - Dia da Consciência Negra
24 December (from 14:00) - Christmas Eve
25 and 26 December - Christmas
31 December (from 14:00) - New Year's Eve

Contact options

Ask your question by phone: +55 11 38 11 33 00.

If you are calling from the Netherlands, call +31 247 247 247.

Click here to send us a WhatsApp message.

Or add our number +31 6 82 38 80 55 to the contacts list on your smartphone and then send a message.

Please note

  • You can only use this number for WhatsApp. You cannot call or text us on this number.
  • We will only respond to your WhatsApp message if it is sent in a private chat. If you or someone else sends us a message in a WhatsApp group, we will not respond.
  • Do not share any privacy-sensitive information with us via WhatsApp. For example, a citizen service number or a copy of a passport.

Go to our contact form

Bear in mind it may take some time to receive a reply.

Contact details for other embassy departments and honorary consuls are listed at