
Applying for a certificate of residence in Taiwan

If you are a Dutch national living in Taiwan, you can apply for a certificate of residence. The Netherlands Office Taipei can draw up this document for you. 

Information: If you are registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) in the Netherlands, apply for this document from the municipality where you are registered. You may need to have the certificate translated and legalised before you can use it outside the Netherlands.

To apply for a certificate of residence by email, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Gather the documents that you need

To apply for a certificate of residence you will need:

  • a valid Dutch passport or Dutch ID card.
  • proof of address. This can be proof of registration with your municipality or, if this is not available in your country, a bank statement or utility bill from the past month bearing your name and address, or a rental contract bearing your name and address.
  • proof that you are legally resident in the country in question, for example a residence permit, work permit or student visa.
    Note that a tourist visa does not count as proof of legal residence in a country.

When you have gathered all the documents, make a PDF of each document. Please note: photos of documents will not be accepted.

If you are applying for a certificate of residence for a child aged under 18, you will also need a copy of their birth certificate to prove you are their parent.

Step 2: Make an appointment

You must make an appointment at the embassy or consulate. Make an appointment online.

Step 3: Pay the fee

The fee for a consular certificate is €30. You also have to pay shipping costs.

You can find information on how to pay in the overview of consular fees.

Step 4: Receive the certificate

On average, it takes about 5 working days to process your application. If you need to submit additional documents, it will take more time to process your application. 

The certificate will be sent to you by mail.

Check which days the embassy or consulate is closed.

You will receive a multilingual standard form in Dutch, English, French and German. If you need the declaration/certificate in another language, you will need to have it translated by a sworn translator. Ask the organisation requesting the certificate whether you need to have the certificate and/or the translation legalised.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.