
How much does it cost to become a Dutch citizen abroad?

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Naturalisation fees are different for adults and children. You must pay the relevant fees to the embassy or consulate-general when you submit your application.

Naturalisation fees

  • Naturalisation of an adult: €1023
  • Naturalisation of a child under 18 if applying at the same time as the adult: €151

What payment methods are accepted?

The payment methods that are accepted are determined by the country where you submit your application. In some countries, for example, you must pay by credit card. It is not possible to pay in instalments.

Find out what payment methods are accepted in the country where you live

Fees are non-refundable

If the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) denies your application, you do not receive your money back. Similarly, the fees you paid are not refunded if you withdraw your application.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.