
Diploma description

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A diploma description explains the content of your Dutch qualification and training. This can help an educational organisation, employer or government organisation abroad to understand the content and level of your qualification. They may ask you for a diploma description in order to see how it compares with the standards set by their own education system.

Other names for diploma description are:

  • diploma supplement
  • certificate supplement
  • secondary school course description (statusverklaring)
Attention: A diploma description does not automatically make your Dutch qualification suitable for use abroad. You may also need to get your Dutch diploma legalised.

The organisation where you can get a diploma description depends on the qualification you have.

Select your qualification

You can apply to Nuffic for a diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your study programme and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

You can apply to Nuffic for a diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your study programme and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work or study.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

You can download or apply for a Europass Certificate Supplement from the Centre for Cooperation between Vocational Education and Training and the Labour Market (SBB). The certificate supplement is a short and practical description of a Dutch MBO qualification. You can use it in any country. However, outside Europe you may be asked to provide a different type of document. For some types of certificate supplement you have to pay a fee.

Read more about the Europass Certificate Supplement (SBB)

Regular certificate supplement

Does your certificate have a Central Register of Vocational Courses (CREBO) code (in Dutch)? If it does, you can download the regular certificate supplement free of charge.

Download a Europass Certificate Supplement (SBB)

If the certificate supplement you want is not on the list or not in the right language, you can apply for one free of charge from the Centre for Cooperation between Vocational Education and Training and the Labour Market, SBB (in Dutch).

Extensive certificate supplement in your name

Your secondary vocational education certificate may not have a CREBO code. Or you may prefer a more detailed certificate supplement with personalised information about your course. In both cases, you can apply for an extensive certificate supplement in your name. You will have to pay a fee.

Attention: You can only apply for a certificate supplement if you completed the study programme successfully.

Apply for a Europass Certificate Supplement (SBB) (in Dutch)

If an organisation, school or employer abroad needs to know what the content of your secondary school qualification is, you can choose from 2 options:

  • Diploma description (Nuffic)
  • Extensive description (DUO)

Ask them what information they need in order to properly assess how your diploma compares to qualifications in their country.

Diploma description

You can apply to Nuffic for a VWO diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your course and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work or study.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

Secondary school course description

You can also apply for a secondary school course description (statusverklaring) from DUO. This document describes the level of a Dutch secondary education course and is issued in your name. It states the type of qualification you were awarded and your exam subjects. The description does not describe the content of the subjects in your course. And is only available in Dutch. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for a secondary school course description (DUO) (pdf)

Find out more about secondary school course descriptions (DUO)

If an organisation, school or employer abroad needs to know what the content of your secondary school qualification is, you can choose from 2 options:

  • Diploma description (Nuffic)
  • Extensive description (DUO)

Ask them what information they need in order to properly assess how your diploma compares to qualifications in their country.

Diploma description

You can apply to Nuffic for a HAVO diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your course and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work or study.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

Secondary school course description

You can also apply for a secondary school course description (statusverklaring) from DUO. This document describes the level of a Dutch secondary education course and is issued in your name. It states the type of qualification you were awarded and your exam subjects. The description does not describe the content of the subjects in your course. And is only available in Dutch. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for a secondary school course description (DUO) (pdf)

Find out more about secondary school course descriptions (DUO)

If an organisation, school or employer abroad needs to know what the content of your secondary school qualification is, you can choose from 2 options:

  • Diploma description (Nuffic)
  • Extensive description (DUO)

Ask them what information they need in order to properly assess how your diploma compares to qualifications in their country.

Diploma description

You can apply to Nuffic for a MAVO diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your course and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work or study.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

Secondary school course description

You can also apply for a secondary school course description (statusverklaring) from DUO. This document describes the level of a Dutch secondary education course and is issued in your name. It states the type of qualification you were awarded and your exam subjects. The description does not describe the content of the subjects in your course. And is only available in Dutch. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for a secondary school course description (DUO) (pdf)

Find out more about secondary school course descriptions (DUO)

If an organisation, school or employer abroad needs to know what the content of your secondary school qualification is, you can choose from 2 options:

  • Diploma description (Nuffic)
  • Extensive description (DUO)

Ask them what information they need in order to properly assess how your diploma compares to qualifications in their country.

Diploma description

You can apply to Nuffic for a VMBO-T diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

A diploma description is issued in your name and gives key information about your course and qualification within the Dutch education system. It also indicates the closest equivalent of your qualification in the country where you want to work or study.

Find out more about diploma descriptions (Nuffic)

Apply for a diploma description (Nuffic) (in Dutch)

Secondary school course description

You can also apply for a secondary school course description (statusverklaring) from DUO. This document describes the level of a Dutch secondary education course and is issued in your name. It states the type of qualification you were awarded and your exam subjects. The description does not describe the content of the subjects in your course. And is only available in Dutch. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for a secondary school course description (DUO) (pdf)

Find out more about secondary school course descriptions (DUO)

Secondary school course description

You can also apply for a secondary school course description (statusverklaring) from DUO. This document describes the level of a Dutch secondary education course and is issued in your name. It states the type of qualification you were awarded and your exam subjects. The description does not describe the content of the subjects in your course. And is only available in Dutch. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for an extensive secondary school course description (DUO) (pdf)

Find out more about secondary school course descriptions (DUO)

Old secondary school qualifications

You may have a secondary school qualification that no longer exists. For example a certificate for HBS, VBO, LBO, MMS or MULO education. For any of these you can apply from DUO for a diploma description. You will have to pay a fee.

Apply for a diploma description (DUO) (in Dutch)

Old MBO qualifications

If you have a qualification for an MBO course that no longer exists, you can apply to the SBB for a Europass Certificate Supplement. If your diploma has a  Central Register of Vocational Courses (CREBO) code (in Dutch), the document is free of charge. If your diploma has no CREBO code, or if you want a personalised certificate supplement, you will have to pay a fee. The certificate supplement is a short and practical description of the former Dutch MBO qualification.

Attention: You can only apply for a supplement if you completed the study programme successfully.

Apply for a Europass Certificate Supplement (SBB) (in Dutch)

Other qualifications that no longer exist

If you have a qualification at another level of education for a course that no longer exists, check what the equivalent is in the current Dutch education system. Then enter a new answer and select the current qualification that is equivalent to your old one.

If you are going to study or do an internship abroad

Check what else you need to arrange if you are going to:


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.