
How can I get health insurance for my child outside the Netherlands?

Exactly how you can get health insurance for your child depends on where and how you are insured.

What is your situation?

Was your child born abroad? But do you and your child live in the Netherlands and do you have a Dutch health insurance? In that case you must add your child to your or your partner’s Dutch health insurance policy. You must do this within 4 months of your child’s birth. Your child is then covered by the same policy. You do not need to pay an insurance premium for your child. Contact your insurer in the Netherlands to find out how to add your child to your health insurance policy.

Do you not live with your child who is abroad? And does your child live in a treaty country? Then apply at CAK for an S1 or 109 document for your child. Information on how to apply can be found on the CAK website (under: 'I do not live with my family abroad. How can my family members get medical care in their country of residence?'). The local health insurance fund will determine whether your child can be co-insured with you.

Do you live abroad with your child? Or are you going to live abroad with your child? Then it depends on your situation how you can insure your child for care abroad. Ask your health insurer about this.

More information? 

Find out more about health insurance abroad

Other matters you can arrange for your child

If you live outside the Netherlands, there may be other matters to arrange for your child.

Find out what else you can arrange for your child


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.