
Applying for a passport or ID card at a border municipality in the Netherlands

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If you live abroad, you can apply for your Dutch passport or identity card (ID card) in the Netherlands. You can do this at one of 14 border municipalities and at Schiphol Airport .

Applying for a passport or ID card at a border municipality

You will need a number of documents when you apply. Create a personalized checklist (first select country) to find out which documents you need.

Attention: At the moment it is very busy at the passport counters. Take extra long waiting times into account. Please cancel or change your appointment if you cannot make it in time. Other customers then can make use of your time slot.

Lower fees when applying for a passport or ID card in the Netherlands

The fees for passports and identity cards are lower in the 14 border municipalities and at Schiphol Airport than at Dutch embassies and consulates abroad.

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