
Making an appointment in Nauru

If you are in Nauru and need a product or service from the Dutch government, you can get this in Nauru or Australia, depending on what you need. To find out what to do, select the product or service you need.

Certificate or declaration

You do not need to make an appointment. Request a certificate by emailing the consulate-general in Sydney:

Prepare your request

Prepare your request carefully. Find out what you’ll need to do in order to request a certificate of capacity to marry in Nauru.

What you need to know about requesting a certificate of capacity to marry

You do not need to make an appointment. Request a certificate by emailing the consulate-general in Sydney:

Prepare your request

Prepare your request carefully. Find out what you’ll need to do in order to request a certificate of residence in Nauru.

What you need to know about requesting a certificate of residence

You do not need to make an appointment. Request a declaration by emailing the consulate-general in Sydney:

Prepare your request

Prepare your request carefully. Find out what you’ll need to do in order to request a declaration of marital status in Nauru.

What you need to know about requesting a declaration of marital status

How you request a Dutch nationality certificate depends on your situation.

Find out how to request a Dutch nationality certificate

Other products and services

For other products and services you will need to go to Australia.

Find out how to make an appointment in Australia