
Where can I apply for or renew a Dutch passport or ID card in the United Kingdom?

Are you a Dutch national? If you want to apply for or renew a Dutch passport or ID card and you live in the United Kingdom, you can do this at the Dutch embassy in London or at one of the three VFS Global application locations in the UK.

You can apply for or renew a Dutch passport or ID card at the Dutch embassy in London.

Attention: The embassy processes a large number of applications, which means you may not be able to make an appointment right away. If you are not able to make an appointment, try again later, as slots may become available due to cancellations or re-scheduling.

If you can’t make an appointment as fast as you need to, or if you don’t want to wait any longer, make an appointment at VFS Global. VFS Global has appointment locations in London, Edinburgh and Birmingham.

Make an appointment online with the embassy in London

You can also apply for or renew a Dutch passport or ID card via VFS Global in London, Edinburgh or Birmingham.

VFS Global is a company that deals with applications for Dutch passports and ID cards for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. VFS Global will take your fingerprints and accept your application form, but it will not decide on your application.