How can I request proof of deregistration from my municipality?
Request proof of deregistration from your municipality when you deregister. If you have already deregistered, you can request a proof of deregistration from an RNI municipality. If you are not registered in the RNI, you may be able to apply for a certificate of deregistration from the municipality of The Hague.
Proof of deregistration is a document showing that you have deregistered in the Netherlands. Your personal data and the date of your deregistration are included on the document. You may need proof of deregistration to manage your affairs abroad.
Proof of deregistration when you deregister from the municipality
Are you deregistering with the municipality? Then ask the municipality for an international certificate of deregistration at the time you deregister. Go to the counter to get the certificate. You will only be given proof of deregistration if the date on which you deregister is the same as the date on which you are emigrating. In some municipalities, you cannot get a certificate of deregistration. Check with your municipality.
Proof of deregistration if you are already deregistered
If you have already deregistered from your municipality, you can no longer request proof of deregistration from the municipality where you used to live. Instead, you can request an international extract from the BRP from any of the 19 RNI municipalities. The extract – also known as an ‘RNI extract’ – can serve as proof of deregistration.
How can I request an extract from the Non-residents Records Database?
Proof of deregistration if you are not registered in the RNI
Were you deregistered from the Netherlands before 1 October 1994? And have you not registered with a Dutch municipality since then? If so, your details may not be listed in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI) . In that case, you can request a proof of deregistration from the municipality of The Hague. This can be done digitally or in writing.
Apply for a certificate of deregistration from the municipality of The Hague (information in Dutch)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.