
What is the Personal Records Database?

The Personal Records Database (BRP) is a register of people who live or have lived in the Netherlands. It contains personal data such as your name, gender, date of birth, place of birth and address.

The Dutch authorities need this information to issue passports, identity cards and driving licences and to know who can vote in elections, for example. Dutch government organisations can also contact you on the basis of these data.

The BRP contains the personal data of:

  • people who live in the Netherlands (residents):
    The Dutch municipalities manage the data of the inhabitants of the Netherlands.
  • people who do not live in the Netherlands (non-residents), but do have a relationship with the Netherlands:
    For example, people who live outside the Netherlands but receive a pension from the Netherlands. People who stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months can also register in this register.

Personal data of inhabitants of the Netherlands

The Dutch municipalities manage the data of the inhabitants of the Netherlands. Each municipality has its own population register for this purpose. In this administration they register the data of inhabitants. These data are included in the BRP.

Personal data of non-residents

The Register Non-Residents (RNI) is part of the BRP. The RNI contains the personal details of:

  • people who no longer live in the Netherlands, for example because they now live abroad
  • people who stay in the Netherlands for less than 4 months

Read more about the Non-residents Records Database (RNI)


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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