
If I transit at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport can I visit Amsterdam or other places in the Netherlands during my transit period?

During your transit period at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport you can only visit Amsterdam or other places in the Netherlands if you are allowed to travel to the Netherlands without a visa or if you have a Schengen visa.

Attention: If you don’t know whether you need a visa when transiting at a Dutch airport, check whether you need a visa.

What is your situation?

If you are allowed to transit at an airport in the Netherlands without a visa, you can visit Amsterdam or other places in the Netherlands from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

If you have a Schengen visa you can visit Amsterdam or other places in the Netherlands from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.

If you have an airport transit visa you are not allowed to leave the international transit zone of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. This means that you cannot go through passport control. To visit Amsterdam or other places in the Netherlands you need a Schengen visa.

Find out how to apply for a Schengen visa


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.