
My unemployment benefit from UWV has stopped or will soon do so. What should I do?

You can receive unemployment benefit in the Netherlands for a maximum of 2 years. And you can continue to receive Dutch unemployment benefit abroad for up to 3 months. However your benefit may stop before that, for example if you find a new job. What you can do abroad if your benefit stops depends on your situation.

What is your situation?

If you are going back to work or will be working more hours, report this to UWV as soon as possible. Exactly what happens to your unemployment benefit depends on how much you earn. If you earn more than 87.5% of your monthly unemployment benefit, your unemployment benefit will stop. If you expect to be working for a longer period of time, UWV will stop your unemployment benefit completely. You can also stop the payment of your unemployment benefit yourself.

If you become ill in the period you receive unemployment benefit from UWV, report your illness to UWV. You must do this no later than on the second day of your illness. In addition to the obligations relating to your unemployment benefit, you will then also have obligations relating to sickness benefit. For the first 13 weeks of your illness you will still be entitled to unemployment benefit. Your unemployment benefit will stop if you are ill for longer than 13 weeks. After that you can receive sickness benefit.

In the last year before you reach the age of retirement you are no longer required to submit any job applications. When you reach the age of retirement your unemployment benefit will stop automatically. If you live outside the Netherlands, you are responsible for applying for Dutch state pension in good time. Do this 6 months before you reach the age of retirement.

Find out how to apply for Dutch state pension outside the Netherlands


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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