
Checklist: Applying for a Schengen visa for medical reasons

Find out what documents you need in order to apply for a Schengen visa for medical reasons.

Important to know

  • Arrive at your appointment well prepared. Choose your country of residence to find out how to apply for a Schengen visa.
  • In most cases you must submit your application in person. This applies to babies and children too.
  • If you have had your fingerprints taken for a Schengen visa in the past 5 years (59 months), someone else may submit your application for you. However, if your fingerprints were taken but not saved, you will need to appear in person to have them retaken.
  • The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs may request an interview or additional documents.
  • You must sign this checklist at the appointment, declaring the following:
    • you understand that you must submit all documents in order for your application to be processed
    • you are aware that an incomplete application may be rejected and that your visa application fee will not be refunded

Personal documents

Documents relating to your travel and stay in the Schengen area

Documents relating to minors

Documents relating to the person accompanying you