
As a Dutch voter abroad, how do I notify the authorities of a change in my details?

If you are registered as a Dutch voter abroad and you want to change your details, you can do so in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). Or you can notify the municipality of The Hague. 

Attention: When you notify the municipality of The Hague of a change of address, this information will not automatically be updated in the RNI.

Registering a change of address in the RNI

If your address outside the Netherlands changes, update your information in the Non-residents Records Database. Your new address will then automatically be updated in the municipality of The Hague’s system.

Notifying the municipality of The Hague of changes

You can use the online form on the municipality of The Hague’s website to notify them of changes regarding the following:

  • Your home address
  • Your postal address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • The elections you wish to vote in
  • How you want to receive your ballot paper (by post or email)

If your address changes approximately 4 to12 weeks before the elections, it is advisable to also inform the municipality of The Hague of your new address directly. Otherwise you may not receive your voting documents in time.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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