
How can I get a BSN for my child if I live outside the Netherlands?

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If you do not live in the Netherlands, your child does not automatically receive a citizen service number (BSN) at birth. How exactly you can get a BSN for your child depends on your situation.

BSN for my child if I live outside the Netherlands

Do you live outside the Netherlands? Then you can get a citizen service number for your child by registering your child in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). In some situations, you can also get a BSN for your child in another way:

  • Are you entitled to child benefit? If you claim child benefit, you can get a citizen service number for your child from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).
  • Are you entitled to childcare benefit? If you apply for childcare benefit, you can get a citizen service number for your child from the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst).

If you live outside the Netherlands, you can register your child in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). You must do this in person at one of the 19 municipalities in the Netherlands with an RNI desk. Once your child is registered in the RNI they will receive a BSN. 

Do you live abroad and are you entitled to child benefit and supplementary child benefit? If you want to receive child benefit and supplementary child benefit, you can apply for them via the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).

You will need a BSN number for your child to make the request. If your child does not yet have one, the SVB will ensure that he or she is registered in the RNI. You will then receive a letter from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations containing your child's BSN.

Do you live outside the Netherlands and are you entitled to childcare benefit? Then you can apply for this allowance via the Tax Administration. Does your child not have a citizen service number? If you apply for childcare benefit, you can get a citizen service number for your child via the Tax Administration. You can arrange this by sending a letter to the Tax Administration. You will then receive a letter from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. This letter will contain your child's citizen service number.

Read how to apply for a BSN for your child via the Tax Administration (information in Dutch).

BSN for my child if I move to the Netherlands

If you move to the Netherlands for more than 4 months, you and everyone in your household must register with the municipality where you will be living. Your child’s details will then be entered into the Personal Records Database (BRP) and your child will receive a BSN.

BSN for my child if I live in the Netherlands

If you live in the Netherlands and your child was born while you were temporarily abroad, you must register your child with the municipality where you live. Your child’s details will then be entered into the Personal Records Database (BRP) and your child will receive a BSN.

Why does my child need a BSN?

To arrange matters for your child with the Dutch authorities, like applying for a DigiD for them, your child will need a BSN.

Find out more about citizen service numbers (BSN)

Temporary education number

Will your child be attending school in the Netherlands? And does your child not have a BSN? Then DUO will create a temporary education number. The temporary education number is not a citizen service number. You will receive this education number from the school where your child is registered. If your child later receives a BSN, you must inform the school.

Other matters to arrange for your child

If you live abroad, there may be other matters you need to arrange for your child.

Find out what else you can arrange for your child

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