
How can I get a citizen service number?

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Do you live outside the Netherlands and do not have a citizen service number (BSN)? How you can get a BSN depends on your situation.

If you live outside the Netherlands, you are given a citizen service number (BSN) when you are registered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). In some situations you can also get a BSN in another way.

  • Are you entitled to AOW? If so, you can get a citizen service number via the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
  • Do you need a BSN for inheritance tax purposes? If so, you can also get a citizen service number via the Tax Administration.

You can also get a citizen service number for your benefit partner or your child.

Ways to arrange a BSN

If you live outside the Netherlands or are coming to the Netherlands for less than 4 months to study or work, you can register in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI).

You can register in person at one of the 19 municipalities with an RNI desk in the Netherlands. You will receive a citizen service number after registration in the RNI.

How can I register in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI)?

Do you want to apply for a Dutch state pension (AOW) outside the Netherlands and do not yet have a BSN? Then the SVB will take care of your registration in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI) so you can receive one. You therefore do not need to travel to the Netherlands to be registered. You will receive your citizen service number after registration.

How do I apply for a Dutch state pension from outside the Netherlands?

Do you need a BSN in connection with inheritance tax? Then you can apply for a BSN via the Tax Administration (information in Dutch). You can do this for yourself or for another beneficiary if they live abroad.

Read more about applying for a BSN for inheritance tax purposes.

Would you like to apply for or make changes to your benefits, but does your benefit partner not have a citizen service number? Then you can apply for a BSN for your benefit partner via a form of the Tax Administration (information in Dutch). You do not have to travel to the Netherlands for this.

You will then receive a letter from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. This letter contains the citizen service number of your benefit partner.

Do you live in Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius or Sint Maarten and are going to study in the Netherlands? And do you have Dutch nationality? If you apply for student finance before you leave for the Netherlands, DUO (the Education Executive Agency) can register you in the RNI. After your registration, you will receive a BSN. MBO students under the age of 18 can also use this option.

Apply for student finance at DUO (information in Dutch)

Temporary education number

Will you or your child be attending school in the Netherlands? And do you or your child not have a citizen service number? Then DUO will create a temporary education number.

The temporary education number is not a citizen service number. You will receive this education number from the school where you or your child is registered. If you or your child is given a citizen service number at a later stage, you must inform the school.

I am moving to the Netherlands

Are you moving to the Netherlands for longer than 4 months? In that case, you should register yourself in the municipality where you are going to live. Your details will then appear in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP). After your registration you will be given a citizen service number.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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