
Naturalisation test abroad

Language selection:English

To become a naturalised Dutch citizen you must usually first pass a civic integration exam. This is also known as the naturalisation test. Passing the test proves you have knowledge of the Dutch language and Dutch society. 

If you live abroad you can take the naturalisation test at the Dutch embassy or consulate-general in the country where you live. The test is assessed by the Education Executive Agency (DUO).

Parts of the test 

The naturalisation test consists of the following parts:

  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM)
  • Writing Skills A2
  • Reading Comprehension A2
  • Listening Comprehension A2
  • Spoken Dutch A2

You can take each part of the test separately or all at the same time.


There are some situations in which you are not required to take the naturalisation test. Or where you are exempt from certain parts. If you think you are eligible for an exemption, discuss this with the Dutch embassy or consulate-general when you submit your naturalisation application. 

You do not have to take the naturalisation test in the following cases:

  • You are a Moluccan and fall under the Moluccans (Status) Act of 9 September 1976.
  • You have a Dutch diploma or certificate (for education higher than primary education and issued on the basis of Dutch law) and the education was in the Dutch language.
  • You have a diploma for the state exam in Dutch as a second language (NT2), programme I or II.
  • You have a civic integration certificate as referred to in the Civic Integration (Newcomers) Act (WIN) (WIN certificate), along with the accompanying statement from the school, with a sufficient level for the social orientation part (on or before 31 August 2001: 85% or above; from 1 September 2001: 80% or above) and for all language parts (level A2).
  • You have an original copy of a decision granting you an exemption, according to which:
    • you do not need to go through the civic integration programme because of existing knowledge (in accordance to the WIN); or
    • you do not need to go through the civic integration programme because you passed the test referred to in section 5, subsection 4 of the WIN;
    • you are permanently exempt from the civic integration requirement for medical reasons (pursuant to section 3, subsection 3 (a) of the WIN).
  • You have a civic integration certificate (level A2 on all parts).
  • You have a document issued after you passed the short exemption test (level B1), which you successfully completed before 1 January 2013.
  • You lived in the Netherlands for at least 8 years between the ages of 5 and 16 (compulsory school age).
  • You have a Belgian diploma or certificate (for education higher than primary education and issued on the basis of Belgian law) with a sufficient mark in Dutch, accompanied by a list of grades (both documents must have an apostille). 
  • You have a Surinamese diploma or certificate (issued on the basis of Surinamese education law) for the completion of university education, higher education, general secondary education, vocational education or apprenticeship training, with a sufficient mark in Dutch, accompanied by a list of grades (both documents must have an apostille). 
  • You have a European Baccalaureate diploma from a European school, with Dutch as first or second language, and a sufficient mark in Dutch.
  • You have an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Certificate, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) or International Baccalaureate, with a sufficient mark in Dutch. Regarding the IGCSE, a score between A and G in Dutch is considered a sufficient mark.
  • You have a naturalisation test certificate from before 1 April 2007 showing that you passed the following five parts: knowledge of society and the system of government, speaking, listening, writing and reading.

In the following situations you are exempt from one or more parts of the naturalisation test:

  • You have a WIN certificate. You have successfully completed level 2 for all language parts. You only have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test.
  • You passed part I (knowledge of society and the system of government) of the naturalisation test before 1 April 2007. You do not have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test. You are still required to successfully complete all other parts of the test.
  • You have a WIN certificate for social orientation, adult education qualification structure (KSE) level 2 (minimum 85% on or before 31 August 2001; minimum 80% from 1 September 2001) with the accompanying statement from the educational institution. You do not have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test. You are still required to successfully complete all other parts of the test.
  • You have a WIN certificate with a minimum of level 2 on all language parts, with the accompanying statement from the educational institution. You only have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test. 
  • You have a declaration from a regional training centre (ROC) and have successfully completed at least level 2 on all language parts of the test. You only have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test. 
  • You have a Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language (CnaVT) with a minimum level of A2. You only have to take the knowledge of Dutch society part of the test. 

Preparing for the exam

If you have to take the naturalisation test, there are various ways to prepare. Contact the embassy in your region to find out what the options are. You’ll also find information on the various parts of the test on the DUO website. And you can do free practice tests

Registering for the naturalisation test 

To register for the naturalisation test, send an email to the Dutch embassy or consulate general in your region. 

  1. Complete the naturalisation test registration form (pdf). 
  2. Scan your valid identity document.
  3. Send the form and the scan by email to the embassy or consulate general.

Once you have registered, the embassy or consulate general will contact you to make an appointment for you to take the naturalisation test. They will also explain the payment process.

Find the contact information of the embassy or the consulate general

Test fees

The full naturalisation test costs €350. 

If you have to repeat a part of the exam, you only have to pay for that part:

  • Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM): €60.
  • Writing Skills A2: €70. 
  • Reading Comprehension A2: €70. 
  • Listening Comprehension A2: €70. 
  • Spoken Dutch A2: €80. 

After the test 

Within 8 weeks of taking the naturalisation test you will receive an email from DUO with your results. If you’ve passed the test you can apply for naturalisation. 

How do I apply to become a naturalised Dutch citizen abroad?


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.