
What documents do I need to marry in the Netherlands?

The documents you need to marry in the Netherlands depend on the municipality where you want to marry.

Attention: Please note: first check that you meet all the requirements for marrying in the Netherlands. If you meet these requirements, give notice of your intention to marry in the Netherlands.

The documents you need depend on the municipality where you want to get married. The municipality can tell you exactly which documents you need. This also depends on your situation.

Not all foreign documents are automatically valid and recognised in the Netherlands. You may need to first have your foreign documents translated or legalised.

Documents you may need

If you live outside the Netherlands, or previously lived outside the Netherlands, the municipality may ask you to present a declaration of unmarried status. This document shows that you have not already entered into a marriage abroad. You can apply for a declaration of unmarried status in the last place you lived abroad. You may need to have the declaration legalised, to make it valid in the Netherlands.

If you are not a Dutch national and you want to get married in the Netherlands, you may need to complete a personal declaration stating that you are not marrying just to get a residence permit. You can complete this personal declaration at the municipality where you want to marry.

You do not need to complete a personal declaration if you and you partner:

  • are both nationals of a European Union member state or of Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
  • both have a permanent residence permit; or
  • both have a permanent asylum residence permit

If you and your partner live outside the Netherlands and one of you is not a Dutch national, you do not need to complete a personal declaration relating to residence rights to marry in the Netherlands. If you or your partner live in the Netherlands, you may need a personal declaration relating to residence rights. You can complete this personal declaration at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Read more about this personal declaration and residence permits on

If you live in the Netherlands and your partner lives abroad, you may want to live together in the Netherlands after marrying. In this case, your partner may need a residence permit. You can apply for a residence permit from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Read more about applying for a residence permit for your partner on the IND website..


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us