
Retiring outside the Netherlands

If you live abroad and are retiring, or if you are already retired and are moving abroad, there are a number of things you must take into account. Find out what arrangements you need to make in your situation.

I am not yet receiving a pension from the Netherlands

A pension is regular income that you receive when you stop working or have reached a certain age. You can receive a Dutch pension even if you live outside the Netherlands. There are different types of pension, such as the basic state pension provided under the General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW).

What is a pension?

What is the AOW pension?

There are online tools that show you how much Dutch pension you have accrued or how much pension you can expect to receive from the Netherlands.  Depending on the country you live in, you can get all or part of your AOW pension.

How much pension have I accrued?

How much AOW pension will I receive if I live outside the Netherlands?

If you have lived or worked in the Netherlands, you will receive Dutch state pension (AOW) from the day on which you reach state pension age. Your AOW state pension age depends on your date of birth. Find out what your AOW state pension age is.

What is my AOW state pension age?

Receiving an AOW pension outside the Netherlands

If you live outside the Netherlands, it is up to you to apply for your AOW pension in good time. You should do this 6 months before you reach your AOW state pension age. How to apply depends on where you live.

How do I apply for an AOW pension outside the Netherlands?

Receiving an AOW pension outside the Netherlands

If you were employed in the Netherlands, you will probably have accrued a workplace pension through your employer. This pension supplements the basic state pension (AOW). Contact the Dutch pension provider(s) where you built up your workplace pension.

How do I apply for a workplace pension? (information in Dutch)

To access Dutch public services online and to log in to, you will need a DigiD or an EU-approved login key. If you don't have one, find out how you can apply for a DigiD or EU-approved login key from another European country. If you currently or will soon receive an AOW state pension from the Netherlands, you can apply for a DigiD via the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).

Applying for a DigiD

Applying for a DigiD if you are an AOW pension recipient

Applying for an EU-approved login key

I am receiving a pension from the Netherlands

If you live abroad and receive a pension from the Netherlands, you may be required to take out health insurance via the CAK. This depends on where you live.

Find out what health insurance you need to arrange if you live abroad and receive a pension from the Netherlands

If you live abroad and receive a pension from the Netherlands, you usually have to pay Dutch tax on it. To file a Dutch tax return, you will need annual income statement(s) from your pension provider(s). Your particular situation will determine in which country or countries you are required to pay tax.

Depending on the country where you live, your pension may be taxable there and in the Netherlands. But if the Netherlands has a tax treaty with the country, you may be exempted from paying tax in the Netherlands. You can apply for this exemption by filling in the Tax Administration's application form for exemption from wage tax/national insurance contributions deducted at source. For this you need acitizen service number (BSN).

If you live abroad and receive a Dutch pension, the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) or other Dutch pension provider(s) may ask you for proof of life.