
Notifying the Tax Administration of changes in your income tax return

If you want to amend your income tax return, file a new tax return. Always inform the Tax Administration of any changes in your situation. This will prevent, for instance, your having to make additional payments later if you have received a provisional assessment.

Your situation changes if, for instance, your income increases or decreases. You should also inform the Tax Administration of other changes in your circumstances, such as a new address or bank account number.


You may also have to inform the tax authority in your country of residence of any changes. Contact your local tax authority to find out.

What do you want to change?

If you want to amend your tax return, you must file a new tax return.

If you filed your tax return online, you can amend it via Mijn Belastingdienst.

Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst (information in Dutch)

Have you filed a declaration using a paper form and do you wish to supplement or amend it? Then request a new form and fill it in completely again. Then send the form back to the Tax Administration.

If you pay tax or receive a tax refund every month on a provisional assessment and your situation changes, you may need to amend or stop your provisional assessment so that you do not have to make an additional payment later. If you do not agree with your provisional assessment, you can also amend it.

Learn more about amending or stopping your provisional assessment

If you live outside the Netherlands and change your address, you can submit your new address online via the RNI service portal. Your new address will then be entered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). The Tax Administration and other public authorities will automatically be informed of your new address.

Read how to submit a change of address online

Submit a postal address

You can also receive post from the Tax Administration at an address other than your home address. If you want to submit or change a postal address, contact the Tax Administration. This postal address will only be used for post from the Tax Administration. Other government organisations will not be informed about the change in postal address.

Notifying the Tax Administration of a change of postal address (information in Dutch)

Notifying the Tax Administration of a change by post

If you do not have DigiD, you can only inform us of your new residential or postal address in writing. You cannot change your residential or postal address by telephone.

If you live outside the Netherlands and have a new international bank account number (IBAN), you can submit it via Mijn Belastingdienst.

Submit your new account number as follows:

  1. Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst via DigiD or a European eIDAS.
  2. Click 'Mijn gegevens'.
  3. Under 'Rekeningnummer' select 'Mijn rekeningnummer doorgeven of wijzigen'.
  4. Answer the questions.
  5. The account number you enter must be held in your name. The account must be a current account, not a savings account.
  6. Click 'Akkoord'.

Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst (information in Dutch)

If your account number is not an IBAN of if you do not have a DigiD, inform the Tax Administration of your new account number by letter (information in Dutch).

If you receive a benefit from the Netherlands, such as a child budget, childcare benefit, healthcare benefit or housing benefit, or if your situation changes, for example if you start to cohabit, inform the Tax Administration of the change in your situation that affects your benefit.

Notifying other organisations of changes

Has your situation changed? If so, you may have to inform other government agencies.

Read more about changing data with the Dutch government from abroad


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.