Checklist: Applying for a Schengen visa as a family member of an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
Find out what documents you need in order to apply for a Schengen visa if you are a family member of a citizen of the European Union, European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland (EU Directive 2004/38/EC).
Important to know
- Use this checklist only if you meet the following 2 conditions:
- You are an immediate family member of a national of a country in the EU or EEA or of Switzerland. Find out who is considered an immediate family member.
- You will be travelling together with the family member in question to a country of which they are not a national, and this country is in the EU or EEA or is Switzerland. Or you will be travelling to visit that family member and they are present in a country of which they are not a national, and this country is in the EU or EEA or is Switzerland. Read more about the conditions for family members of nationals of an EU/EEA member state.
- If you are an immediate family member of a Dutch national who lives in the Netherlands and you will be travelling to visit that person, in most cases you cannot use this checklist. However, there are some exceptions. Read more about the conditions for family members of Dutch nationals.
- If you meet the requirements for this visa, you do not need to pay any visa fees. You will still have to pay service costs if you apply though an external service provider.
- Arrive at your appointment well prepared. Choose your country of residence to find out how to apply for Schengen visa facilitation.
- In most cases you must submit your application in person. This applies to babies and children too.
- If you have had your fingerprints taken for a Schengen visa in the past 5 years (59 months), someone else may submit your application for you. However, if your fingerprints were taken but not saved, you will need to appear in person to have them retaken.
- The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs may request an interview or additional documents.
- You must sign this checklist at the appointment, declaring the following:
- you understand that you must submit all documents in order for your application to be processed
- you are aware that an incomplete application may be rejected
Personal documents
Bring: original document
You will need a completed and signed Schengen visa application form. You do not need to answer question 21, 22, 30, 31 or 32. Print the form and submit it with your other documents.
Bring: original document
You will need a valid travel document, such as a passport. We recommend you make sure your travel document meets the following requirements:
- it is no more than 10 years old
- it must have at least 2 empty visa pages
- it must be valid for at least 3 months after you leave the Schengen area
- it must bear your signature
Bring: original document
You will need to submit a photo that meets Dutch requirements:
- colour photo
- no more than 6 months old
- 3.5cm by 4.5cm
- white or light-coloured background
Find out where you can have a photo that meets Dutch requirements taken outside the Netherlands
If you are applying for a visa through an external service provider, you do not need to submit a photo. A digital photo will be taken at your appointment.
Bring: original document and colour copy
You will need valid proof of legal residence in the country where you are applying for a visa. You can show that you are legally residing in the country where you submit your visa application using, for instance:
- a passport or other travel document
- a residence permit, valid for at least 3 months after you leave the Schengen area
- a visa
- a work permit
If you are not a resident of the country where you are submitting your application, you must show why you cannot apply in your country of residence.
Documents relating to your family member
You will need proof of your immediate family ties with the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen. For instance:
Bring: original document and colour copy
- the birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate of registered partnership or other official document proving your relationship, which states your name and that of the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
Bring colour copy of the document
- a valid travel document belonging to the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
In some cases, even if you cannot prove immediate family ties you may still be eligible for a visa under EU Directive 2004/38/EC. In that case you will need 1 or more of the following documents:
- proof that you need the personal care of the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen on account of serious health grounds
- proof that you live with the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
- proof that you are financially dependent on the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
- proof that you have a durable relationship with the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen
Bring: colour copy of the document
If the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen lives in a country other than that of their nationality for more than 3 months and this country is in the EU or EEA or is Switzerland, you will need valid proof that they are registered as living in that country or that they have a residence permit issued by that country.
If the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen is visiting a country other than that of their nationality and this country is in the EU or EEA or is Switzerland, you will need proof of this, for example a flight itinerary or another document showing their travel plans. You do not need a paid travel ticket.
If you do not have proof, we recommend bringing a letter explaining why proof is unavailable and stating how long the EU, EEA, or Swiss citizen resides in or is visiting the country other than their country of nationality.
Documents relating to your travel
Bring: colour copy of the document
You will need a reservation in your name for your travel to and from the Schengen area, or another document showing your travel plans. You do not need a paid travel ticket.
If you will be travelling to the Netherlands together with the EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, you will also need to show a reservation in their name for their travel to the Netherlands or another document showing their travel plans. You do not need a paid travel ticket.
Documents relating to minors
If you are applying for a visa for a child under 18 who will be travelling without 1 or both of their parents or guardians, you will need the following documents:
Bring: original document and colour copy
- a recent extract of the child’s birth certificate
- a consent form signed by the parents or guardians not travelling with the minor
Bring: colour copy of the document
- a colour photocopy of a signed valid travel document (such as a passport) of the parents or guardians not travelling with the child
- if 1 of the parents or guardians has a valid Schengen visa: a colour photocopy of the biographical data page of their passport and of their valid Schengen visa. The biographical data page contains the passport holder’s details and photo
- if 1 of the parents or guardians has died: a photocopy of the death certificate of the deceased parent or guardian
- if a guardian has been appointed: a photocopy of official proof of guardianship
- if there is a court order in place: a photocopy of permission from the court for the minor to travel