
How can my sponsor invite me to the Netherlands for a short stay?

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To visit the Netherlands, you will need to prove you have at least €55 per person to spend for each day of your trip. If you cannot prove this, you must ask someone to sponsor you. Read about how you can arrange this.

When do I need a sponsor?

For a planned stay of 90 days or less, you must be able to prove you have €55 per person to spend for each day of your trip. This could be done with travellers’ cheques, salary slips from the previous 3 months or an employment contract.

  • If you can prove you have €55 per person to spend for each day of your trip, you do not need a sponsor. In the Netherlands you can stay with someone in private accommodation. Read how your host can arrange for you to stay with them.
  • If you have less than €55 per person to spend for each day of your trip, you will need a sponsor. Follow the steps below to arrange sponsorship.

How can I arrange sponsorship?

You must ask someone to sponsor you. Your sponsor will send you a proof of sponsorship form and accompanying documents.

Read what requirements someone must meet to be a sponsor

What should I do with the sponsorship form?

What you should do with the form depends on whether you need a visa to visit the Netherlands.

Check whether you need a visa

If you need a visa, your sponsor must have had the form legalised. After legalisation you have 6 months to apply for your visa. You will also need a number of other documents to apply for a visa.

Find out how to apply for a visa

If you do not need a visa, the form does not need to have been legalised.

Bring the form and the accompanying documents with you when you travel to the Netherlands. You need to be able to show them at the border.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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