
I live abroad and want to give birth in the Netherlands. What arrangements do I need to make?

If you are a Dutch national and want to come to the Netherlands for the birth of your child, there are a number of matters you need to arrange.

Choose your situation

If you are moving to the Netherlands for at least 4 months, you must register with the municipality where you will be living. The municipality will register you as a resident in the Personal Records Database (BRP).

Complete the checklist on to see what you need to arrange for the birth of your child (information in Dutch)

If you are moving to the Netherlands for less than 4 months, you do not need to register with a Dutch municipality. Find out below what arrangements you need to make.

Before the birth

Be sure to arrange the following before the birth of your child.

Apply for maternity leave

Find out from your employer whether you will get maternity leave if you go to the Netherlands to give birth. Your partner should also ask their employer if they are eligible for leave.

Read more about leave if you live outside the Netherlands

Make sure you have adequate health insurance

Find out whether your health insurance covers the cost of giving birth in the Netherlands. Besides costs relating to obstetric care, this also includes maternity care in the period after childbirth (kraamzorg).

Apply for a BSN

If you don’t yet have a citizen service number (BSN), you should apply for one so that you can make all the necessary preparations for giving birth in the Netherlands.

How can I get a citizen service number (BSN)?

After the birth

Register the birth

In the Netherlands you must register a birth within 3 days with the municipality where the child was born, even if you live abroad. After registering the birth you will receive a birth certificate.

How can I register a birth in the Netherlands?

If you are not registered with a Dutch municipality, your child will not be registered with the municipality either.

You may also have to register the birth in the country where you live. Find out more about this from the authorities in the country where you live.

Attention: From 1 January 2024, your child can have both your surname and your partner's surname. Even if your child is born abroad. Would you like to give your child a combined surname and is this not possible in your country of residence? Then go to a municipality in the Netherlands to record the choice of name. You can also authorise someone to do this for you. Read more on the page Which surname can I choose for my child? on (information in Dutch).

Register in the RNI

If you live outside the Netherlands, you can register your child in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). You can do this at a municipality with an RNI desk. After registering your child in the RNI you will receive an extract with your child’s citizen service number (BSN).

Find out more about registering in the RNI

Apply for a passport or ID card for your child

If your child acquired Dutch nationality at birth, you can apply for a passport or ID card for them at a Dutch border municipality or at Schiphol Airport.

Use the personal checklist for passport applications to see what you need.

What else you can arrange


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.