What information is on MijnOverheid if I live abroad?
MijnOverheid shows you information the Dutch authorities have about you.
Information on MijnOverheid
Personal data (Persoonsgegevens)
Here you can see your:
- name
- gender
- date of birth
- citizen service number (BSN)
- address
- family details
- nationality
- passport or ID card details
If you moved from the Netherlands to another country, your information is based on your registration in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). After you move abroad, the information on things like your civil status, children and passport and ID card is not updated. Even if this information changes. This means that the information on MijnOverheid might not be up to date. If you ever move back to the Netherlands and register with a municipality, the information will then be updated.
Shared personal data (Gedeelde persoonsgegevens)
Here you can see which organisations can access your personal data and what they use it for.
Here you’ll find information about your:
- income known to the Tax Administration
- tax matters
- benefits (toeslagen)
Here you’ll information about your:
- pension
- digital customer file
- benefits (uitkeringen)
Here you’ll find information about your:
- donor registration status
- personal budget (PGB)
Here you’ll find:
- notifications about your neighbourhood (if you live in the Netherlands)
- information about property you own in the Netherlands
Here you’ll find information about:
- vehicles registered under your name in the Netherlands
- any traffic fines you have received.
Here you’ll find the following about your:
- diplomas and certificates
student debt