What is MijnOverheid?
On MijnOverheid you can see information the Dutch authorities have about you. On MijnOverheid you’ll also find Berichtenbox, your personal digital mailbox where you can receive correspondence from the Dutch authorities. You can also use MijnOverheid if you live abroad.
Frequently asked questions
Anyone who is 14 and over, has a citizen service number (BSN) and has dealings with the Dutch authorities can use MijnOverheid. Even if you live abroad.
Log in to MijnOverheid using your DigiD or a recognised eID from another European country.
After logging in to MijnOverheid you’ll be able to view your information, correspondence in Berichtenbox and your matters pending (Lopende Zaken).
Your information (Uw gegevens)
On MijnOverheid you can see information the Dutch authorities have about you. Under ‘Identity’ (Identiteit) you’ll see data like your citizen service number (BSN) and your address.
Find out what other information you can see on MijnOverheid
Personal digital mailbox (Berichtenbox)
This is where you can receive official correspondence from the Dutch authorities, for example the Tax Administration.
Find out more about Berichtenbox
Matters pending (Lopende zaken)
Here you can see information about any dealings you may have with the Dutch authorities.
Read more about Lopende zaken on the MijnOverheid website (in Dutch)
It could be that some of your information is incorrect, or information is missing.
Find out how to update your information on MijnOverheid if you live abroad
Most Dutch government organisations use MijnOverheid. These include the Tax Administration, the Netherlands Vehicle Authority (RDW), the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) and the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). Municipalities and pension funds use MijnOverheid too.
Other questions
Do you have another question about MijnOverheid? Read the frequently asked questions on the MijnOverheid website (in Dutch).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.